IASME Relaunches Its Information Security Standard

James Kelsh
25th July 2022
Information Security

IASME Relaunches Its Information Security Standard

The IASME Governance Standard has been renamed as IASME Cyber Assurance as part of IASME’s standard relaunch.

IASME Cyber Assurance is a comprehensive, flexible and affordable cyber security standard that provides assurance that an organisation has put in place a range of important cyber security, privacy and data protection measures. It aligns directly with the UK Government’s 10 steps to Cyber Security with additional Data Privacy controls and offers smaller companies within a supply chain a ‘right sized’ approach to show their level of information security for a realistic cost.

Important cyber security measures are included such as assessing and managing risk, training people and setting practical policies and procedures. Key resilience strategies are covered and include backing up data, business continuity planning and incident response. Legal and regulatory requirements are also addressed such as your country’s implementation of GDPR (in the UK this is the Data Protection Act).

One of the biggest changes to the standard is that the Cyber Essentials certification is now a prerequisite for IASME Cyber Assurance. Cyber Essentials certification is not included in the price, so the certification must be gained prior to embarking on the IASME Cyber Assurance standard.

The reason the standard has been refreshed is because IASME wanted to ensure it remains relevant to recent changes to technology. These changes include the move that many businesses have made from on-premise infrastructure to the cloud. There have also been huge changes to business practices such as working from home and the increased use of mobile and personally owned devices.

The launch date of this new scheme is 25th July 2022. On that date, the updated question set (V6) will be live on the assessment platform and will be used for all new assessments. Any new assessment accounts opened on or after that date will use the new questions set. Anyone who opened an assessment account before 25th July 2022, will be assessed against the IASME Governance V5, and will have six months from their application date to complete their assessment.

Learn more about IASME Cyber Assurance here.

James Kelsh

James heads up our Information Security department, helping clients to understand cyber security and assisting with certifications such as Cyber Essentials and IASME.

With an extensive history of working in the information technology and services industry, he is a qualified Information Security auditor, able to audit companies to Cyber Essentials + and IASME Gold standards. James holds a Masters Degree, with a focus on IT and Information Security, from the University of Liverpool.

James has experience in various senior IT roles as well as a BSc in Physics, CISSP and SSCP certifications.

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