Calum Clark, Technician
Where are you?
You only moved recently, how are you settling in?
My partner Chloe and I have managed to get settled into the country life quite nicely. We have found many a dog walk that we can take Honey on and we have already started exploring a lot more outside the village. We are really fond of the area we have moved to.
Do you miss working in such a big in-person team?
I definitely miss certain aspects of working in-person with the team. I miss the general banter and chit chat that goes around the office and the atmosphere alongside the ability to be able to swing round in my chair and speak to someone about any difficulties I am having with a client issue, but nothing that can’t be solved by a quick Teams call/message.
Is there a piece of technology or software that makes working from home easier for you?
Teams! Teams is a godsend when you are working remotely in such a large organisation. Even when I was working in the office, Teams was such a helpful tool to have since we had colleagues that worked out in Dubai.
Do you prefer working from home or the office?
I would say that I prefer working from home purely down to the concentration and productivity side of things. I can get distracted quite easily when there is banter going on behind me so working from home is a big benefit to me. With that said, I also miss seeing people from the team which is why I proposed to my managers that I would make the effort to return to the island every 2-3 months to ensure that I remain part of the furniture!
Let’s see your home office!
Thanks guys! If you’re looking to begin working remotely, or would like to facilitate remote and hybrid work for your employees, get in touch with us. We’ll help you set up an IT infrastructure that suits your needs.