Resolution Recap: January
Find out what we’ve been up to at Resolution IT this January!
Company Updates
With the first month of the year wrapped up, we’re officially feeling ready for the year ahead. 2022 is a big year for us at Resolution IT, with the company celebrating its 15th birthday! Planning has begun for our 15th anniversary celebrations; conservation projects, community initiatives and team challenges (not to mention our big birthday bash). We have also committed to 15 Resolutions to celebrate 15 years of Resolution IT, the first of which was our January Step-Count Challenge, which you can read more about below. Keep an eye on our social media to catch our updates as we announce them.
Part way through the month, we were delighted to welcome our team back into the office after weeks of home working. On the first Monday back, we caught up in the kitchen over some fresh bacon rolls and made plans for some exciting team socials to make up for lost time. A big part of what makes us who we are is our collaborative spirit and sense of community, so being able to work together in person makes all the difference.
In an effort to fight the January blues, our Health & Well-being committee organised a Step-Count Challenge, which ignited our competitive spirit and got us out and about, walking as much as possible. We were amazed by how many steps we managed to rack up, with 15 members of the team smashing the 100k mark. It was a close call, with 3 team members surpassing 400k steps, but Vaunda Starkey took home the prize for achieving an incredible 466, 845 steps! This challenge was our first of 15 Resolutions to celebrate 15 years of Resolution IT.