Is Your Business Losing Money Because Employees Can’t Use Tech?
Why Training and Change Management is a Vital Step in Digital Transformation
Investing in new technology can be one of the best things you can do for your business; increased productivity, streamlined workflows, happier employees, a competitive edge and improved cyber security posture. But digital transformation can turn into a financial nightmare if you neglect employee training and change management. If employees can’t use their technology, those promises of increased productivity and profitability will be quite the opposite.
When employees struggle using their business tools, mistakes can be made, progress will slow down, and frustrations can arise, all of which can have a knock-on effect on customer service.
The Importance of Technology Training
Investing in leading technology is only half of the journey. You then need to ensure your team are equipped and empowered to get the most from it.
Lost Productivity
Employees fumbling with unfamiliar technology will lose valuable work time. Imagine the lost sales opportunity if your team can’t process orders efficiently or generate timely reports due to inadequate CRM training.
Costly Errors
Confusion and frustration will inevitably lead to mistakes. Inaccurate data entered into a new system requires time and money to fix, impacting budgets and potentially damaging client relationships.
Struggling with a new system is demoralising. Untrained employees might resist using it altogether, clinging to familiar, outdated methods. This hinders adoption and negates the benefits of the new technology you’ve invested in.