Bespoke, personal and effective IT training sessions

Resolution IT Microsoft 365 training is delivered by our Digital Productivity Consultant and Trainer, Tonia Meakin.

Tonia creates bespoke, tailor-made lesson plans to suit your business needs, combining digital and soft skills to help you become more productive, efficient, and organised in the workplace.

Microsoft 365 apps: Teams, Sharepoint, Excel, Word


Embrace the power of technology

Lisa Le Ray, Head of People

Feedback from Fort

“Tonia has recently provided training for all our staff, both in person and via Teams, as we transition to AVD.  Tonia invested time prior to the training sessions to gauge the knowledge of our colleagues, which enabled her to adapt her approach to provide positive learning environments for staff with a wide range of technical abilities.  Tonia has a friendly, patient, and engaging approach to her training sessions.  It was a pleasure to have Tonia around the office for the 2-week training window.”

How can Training help your organisation?


It empowers your team

Training your staff enables them to unleash the full potential of their technology, increasing their workplace efficiency, boosting confidence and enabling autonomy and empowerment within their roles.

It boosts productivity

With the correct training, staff will be equipped to get the most from their technology and maximise their productivity levels.

It shows commitment to your team

Training and upskilling your team is an excellent way to improve morale and show your commitment to your team. You can empower your staff to excel in their role, using the power and capabilities of digital solutions.

"Tonia's in-depth response to all questions is incredibly beneficial."

With prescriptive and adaptable sessions specific for those in attendance, Tonia understands that there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to harnessing technology.

These training sessions offer interactive, hands-on experience in a relaxed and fun classroom environment, with the option for remote training if required. Tonia delivers these sessions passionately and patiently – there is never a set training script, and questions and discussions are actively encouraged.

Career opportunities

If you’re looking for your next career move and seeking opportunities offering professional development, rewards and success, then come and talk to us at Resolution IT.

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